'A few words about IQ Academy and therapy'
What is therapy? The term of therapy, assumptions, principles of guidance and directions of interventions.
Therapy - “terapera” in Greek, i.e. treatment.
Therapy - system of actions applied not only towards ill people, but also persons with any type of disorders, deficits.
The subject of therapy in IQ Academy is always the person, often a child. Educational therapy is specialised help, provided to a child in overcoming developmental disorders, difficulties in learning and behaving. The object of therapeutic intervention is the patient and their environment. Educational therapy consists in interventions with educational-didactic and upbringing measures in disordered fields. Educational therapy triggers intended positive changes in patient in the psycho-educational area.
A good therapist aims to achieve the intended goals formulated in the individually prepared program. The therapist’s task is to take care of comprehensive child development and protect them from things that can be detrimental to them.
In educational therapy it is extremely important that a therapist can show interest in the patient and create the atmosphere of kindness, trust and safety during sessions in addition to the ability to diagnose psycho-somatic development and correctly select treatment methods. In child therapy process, it is also significant that sessions are conducted in the form of play.
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