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Meadowlark Centre: Tomatis Services

Meadowlark Centre: Tomatis Services

Our establishment

Meadowlark Centre: Tomatis Services

Meadowlark Centre offers Tomatis, voice-related, and music-centered services for children, adults, and older adults. Dr. Nicki Cohen has clinical experience with persons who demonstrate neurodivergent differences when reading, cognitive processing, speech and voice production, attention span, focus, and emotional regulation.  She specialized in the treatment of individuals on the autism spectrum, with learning challenges, and with older persons with neurological/cognitive/hearing impairments. She is a board-certified Music Therapist, a voice instructor, and would be glad to discuss ideas for Tomatis services with you.  

공인 전문가

  • Nicki
  • 박사. Nicki Cohen

    Practitioner (레벨 2)

    Meadowlark Centre
    전문 분야
    주의력, 학습, 말하기 및 언어, 감정 조절, 운동 기술 및 협응, 자폐 스펙트럼 장애, 학업 기술
    고객 프로파일
    아동, 청소년, 성인, 노인
    영어 (English)

    Dr. Nicki Cohen is a certified Tomatis practitioner (level two). Email at chavala4@gmail.com or call +1 (940) 391-3538 for information or to schedule a consultation. 


Meadowlark Centre: Tomatis Services

프랙티셔너 (레벨 2)

76209 Denton

전화 번호 보기

연락처 : 9403913538

사이트 : http://musictherapyandimagery.com

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