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Find a certified Tomatis professional near you

The Tomatis® Method is represented worldwide, throughout 75 countries. More than 2.000 teachers and therapists are certified by the only official organization called TOMATIS DEVELOPPEMENT S.A. We invite you to find and contact a professional whose specialty most closely matches your needs or the needs of your child. 
 For all questions related to the type of professional and rates, you can also read our FAQs section.


Find a certified TOMATIS® professional

Key Tomatis® certifications
Practitioner (level 1)
Practitioner (level 2)
Consultant (level 3)
Consultant (level 4)

Only professionals listed on this website have been trained by TOMATIS DEVELOPPEMENT S.A. and are qualified as well as certified to use the Tomatis® Method. They joined its licensing program and accepted its code of ethics. They are equipped with high quality equipment and have been trained on how to use it. The Tomatis® Method is a complementary approach to educational, therapeutic or medical occupations. It is the customer's responsibility to make sure that the professional they choose has a profile that matches his/her specific needs. TOMATIS DEVELOPPEMENT S.A. is in no way responsible for the relationship between a client and the professional that has been contacted.